An Inside Look At What’s Happening This Month
It’s March!
Finally…Our toes are starting to thaw and we can see some of the beginning buds of Spring 2017. Can you believe it? We have a new president (not a political statement). Just stating a fact. College basketball is in full competitive grandeur this month and we will commemorate Women’s History Month, National Nutrition Month, National Reading Month and Youth Art Month (One of my favorites)!
There are several days this month that we are excited to bring our attention to this month as well. International Women’s Day, International Colour Day, World Poetry Day, and one that is very close to our hearts here at ADEI Media is World Water Day. And on a lighter note, Dr. Seuss Day is this month as well.
March is going to be Fun around here!
March 2: The Most Famous Doctor in the World! Dr. Seuss Day we begin our online auction of a set of 12 of Dr. Seuss’s 44 famous titles. The auction will end on World Water Day. Where we will donate the proceeds of the auction to Charity Water. Charity Water is a global organization that provides clean and safe drinking water to people in developing nations.March 8: We will be in Atlanta, Georgia celebrating International Women’s Day with a one-hour panel, “We Be The She” discussing issues of race and gender bias internationally.
March 17: We’re going green for St. Patty’s Day…stay tuned!
March 21: Unveiling our youth art project to celebrate International Colour Day. There is a masterpiece at work.
Book of the day release will take place every day via Instagram of books either about or written by female author or subjects. That’s 30 book recommendations coming to you this month!
That’s 30 book recommendations coming to you this month!
If you haven’t already, follow us on Instagram and let the madness begin!